HPTA donates to help CFF and the Baton Rouge Food Bank

(November 2021)  For years, HPTA volunteers produced the annual Jim Crane State Farm Highland Open charity tennis tournament. It was one of the most popular tournaments in the area, and it benefitted the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, raising more than $175,000 between 2010 and 2017. In keeping with its support of CFF, the HPTA Board of Directors recently approved a $1,000 donation to CFF, which was presented to Jim Crane. Pictured above (l-r) are former HPTA Presidents and current Board members Sandra Harshbarger, Debbie Klotzbach, Jim Crane, Joycelyn LeBlanc, and Lisa Sanner.

(November 2021)  For many years, HPTA has conducted a food drive during November to benefit the Baton Rouge Food Bank. This year, the HPTA Board of Directors, with guidance from former HPTA president Wendy Parrish who volunteers at the GBRFB, decided to donate $1,000 to provide even more help for area families. GBRFB distributes food to more than 115 member agencies in our 11-parish area, and the agency can purchase, box, and ship three times the amount of food items than it can from actual food donations. Pictured above is GBRFB President and CEO Mike Manning, accepting HPTA’s donation from Wendy Parrish.

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